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The BCA T3 Avalanche Rescue package is BCA's most advanced avalanche rescue package. Includes Tracker3 avalanche beacon with harness, Stealth 270 probe, and B-1 EXT shovel.
Is a smart option for those looking to gear up for their first backcountry experience. This Backcountry Access 3 part package comes with the industry-leading Tracker3 avalanche transceiver, the extendable B-1 EXT avalanche shovel, and quick deploying Stealth 270 avalanche probe.
The beacon T3 has renowned ease of use, instantaneous real-time display and is designed to be "pocket-friendly". Is the choice of guides, mountaineers, and the weight-conscious crowd.
This transceiver uses Signal Suppression (SS) and Big Picture (BP) modes for no-nonsense multiple-victim searching. Motion-sensing auto revert-to-transmit mode. Upgradeable software and electronics performance testing for Tracker 3 fleet management.
3 Antennas
Temperature Resistant LED Display
Multiple Burial Indicator
Close Proximity Indicator
Mute Mode
Auto Revert Mode
Big Picture Mode
Signal Suppression Mode
Motion-Sensing Auto Revert
Precios: 'DESDE' si es un artículo usado o nuevo, con o sin defectos, como parte acompañante de un combo y/o según el volumen se considere venta mayorista.
Precios de los productos en las sucursales ECO. ENVIOS AL INTERIOR: enviamos tu compra al destino y por el transporte que nos indiques. Flete y seguro por cuenta del comprador. Previa cobranza de la venta. Para más información consultanos.